12 de enero de 2007

Robert Beavers - P. Adams Sitney

Del 2 de 27 de febrero de 2007, la Tate Modern de Londres dedica una retrospectiva a los filmes del cineasta norteamericano Robert Beavers. Se podrán ver una serie de programas divididos en dos partes tituladas The Winged Distance y My Hand Outstretched to the Winged Distance and Sightless Measure. Cine íntimo, lírico y reflexivo sobre la representación visual del cine y el papel de la primera persona enunciativa del que fuera pareja de Gregory J. Markopoulos. La segunda sesión contará con la inestimable presentación de P. Adams Sitney y un debate posterior junto con el propio realizador. El film seleccionado para inducir al diálogo y la reflexión será From the Notebook of..., iniciada en 1971 y finalizada en 1998.

Robert Beavers: "When FROM THE NOTEBOOK OF... was filmed in Florence in 1971, I had already made several films with colored filters and moving mattes. Each film was formed by the place in which I then lived--either Greece or Brussels, Zurich or Berlin. The initial choice in Florence was more complex because the filming locations were selected by drawing upon certain details from Leonardo Da Vinci's life--the little that is known to be related to the city--and from other comments in his notebooks. The very first scene of doves being set free from a shop near the Bargello is inspired by the mention of such a scene in the Vasari biography. It is then suddenly extended into the present (of 1971) by one of my own handwritten notes, so that the flight of the dove is interwoven with the turning of the page (or matte) then juxtaposed to a view of my opening a window onto the Florentine rooftops".

Más información: www.tate.org.uk

(En las imágenes: Early Monthly Segments y From the Notebook of...)

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