21 de agosto de 2008

EXPERIMENTAL_FILMCLUB - The Practice of Anti-Illusion

Experimental_Filmclub continúa su envidiable programación de cine de vanguardia con una sesión dedicada a tres cineastas que atrapan y conmueven, desvelando la materialidad del soporte fílmico.
La performance "Scanning" del canadiense John Porter, su film en super 8 "Calendar Girl", y los clásicos "Outer Space" de Peter Tscherkassky y "Decasia" de Bill Morrison completan una velada que tendrá lugar el próximo 31 de agosto en la ciudad de Dublín.

"In an attempt to re-define the controversial term Structural Film, coined by American critique P. Adams Sitney in the late 1960s, English filmmaker and theorist Peter Gidal advocated the expression "Structural/Materialist Film" a decade later referring to the practice of avant-garde filmmakers that were revealing and destroying illusionist aspects of cinema. The practice of anti-illusion consisted in dismantling the technical elements that make possible a “suspension of belief” during the act of perception, or the willingness of a person to accept as true the representative and illusionary premises of a work of fiction. The darkness of the cinema venue, the omnipresence of the screen and traditional narrative lines tend to facilitate such redemption of reality in film (...)" Esperanza Collado

(En la imagen: Scanning 5 (1983) en Berczy Park, Toronto de John Porter)

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